Ā Hipnomammas
Uzraksti savu pozitÄ«vo dzemdÄ«bu stÄstu!
Uzzini vairÄk par maniem pakalpojumiem:
ā¢HipnodzemdÄ«bu kursi (individuÄlas un grupu nodarbÄ«bas)
ā¢ Audio meditÄcijas
ā¢ ÄtrÄ transformÄcijas Terapija (RTT)
Mans mÄrÄ·is ir atbalstÄ«t un iedvesmot Tevi ceÄ¼Ä uz mierpilnu gaidÄ«bu laiku, mierÄ«gÄm un pozitÄ«vÄm dzemdÄ«bÄm un labbÅ«tÄ«bu, uz ko tiecies.



Mani pakalpojumi
Hipnodzemdību kurss ''Iemīli dzemdības''
PozitÄ«va dzemdÄ«bu pieredze reti, kad tiek gÅ«ta pateicoties veiksmei vai sakritÄ«bai. DzemdÄ«bas ir dziļi personisks un iekÅ”Äjs process. DzemdÄ«bas atstÄj ietekmi arÄ« uz mazuli, iespÄjams pat ilgtermiÅÄ vai uz visu mūžu.TÄpÄc ir svarÄ«gi tÄm sagatavot gan prÄtu, gan Ä·ermeni, lai piedzÄ«votu pÄc iespÄjas vieglÄkas, mierpilnÄkas un saudzÄ«gÄkas dzemdÄ«bas gan sev, gan mazulim. Apvienojot zinÄÅ”anas par dzemdÄ«bu procesu, tavÄm izvÄles iespÄjÄm,to, kas ir informÄta lÄmumu pieÅemÅ”ana un kÄpÄc tas ir svarÄ«gi, un praktizÄjot paÅ”palÄ«dzÄ«bas tehnikas un hipnoterapiju gaidÄ«bu laikÄ, dzemdÄ«bas var kļūt par pozitÄ«vu un spÄcinoÅ”u piedzÄ«vojumu, kuru laikÄ Tu esi pilots nevis pasažieris .
Å is kurss Tevi sagatavos mierpilnÄkÄm, saudzÄ«gÄkÄm un vieglÄkÄm dzemdÄ«bÄm un palÄ«dzÄs iegÅ«t pozitÄ«vu dzemdÄ«bu pieredzi.
Å ajÄ kursÄ apskatÄ«sim dzemdÄ«bu fizioloÄ£iju, kas dzemdÄ«bÄs rada un vairo sÄpÄs un kÄ tÄs mazinÄt vai pat nejust vispÄr. JÄ, ir sievietes, kas apgalvo, ka nav jutuÅ”as sÄpes dzemdÄ«bÄs vai arÄ« tÄs ir bijuÅ”as ļoti viegli panesamas. Å is kurss palÄ«dzÄs mainÄ«t negatÄ«vo skatÄ«jumu uz dzemdÄ«bÄm un aizvietot bailes, Å”aubas un trauksmi ar pÄrliecÄ«bu, uzticÄÅ”anos sev un savam Ä·ermenim un miera sajÅ«tu, kas palÄ«dz piedzÄ«vot dzemdÄ«bas vieglÄk, mierpilnÄk un atcerÄties tÄs ar pozitÄ«vÄm sajÅ«tÄm neatkarÄ«gi no tÄ, kÄ vai kur Tavs mazulis ir izvÄlÄjies piedzimt. IegÅ«tÄs zinÄÅ”anas vai pielietot jebkura veida dzemdÄ«bÄs. Tu arÄ« apgÅ«si noderÄ«gas paÅ”palÄ«dzoÅ”as tehnikas, ko var izmantot ne tikai dzemdÄ«bÄs, bet arÄ« tÄlÄk visas dzÄ«ves laikÄ.
Tava dzemdību atbalsta persona arī ir laipni gaidīta pievienoties kursam.
Es vadu grupu lekcijas tieÅ”saitÄ un individuÄlas 1:1 nodarbÄ«bas pÄc pieprasÄ«juma - tieÅ”saitÄ vai klÄtienÄ. NodarbÄ«bas vadu gan latvieÅ”u, gan angļu valodÄs.
Uzraksti savu pozitÄ«vo dzemdÄ«bu stÄstu!
ÄtrÄ TransformÄcijas Terapija (Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT))
RTT apvieno labÄko no NLP, CBT, psihoterapijas un hipnoterapijas unikÄlÄ hibrÄ«dterapijÄ, kuras mÄrÄ·is ir palÄ«dzÄt Ätri atrisinÄt dažÄda veida problÄmas. Parasti pietiek ar 1-3 sesijÄm, lai sasniegtu pozitÄ«vas pÄrmaiÅas.
Terapijas laikÄ tiek izmantota hipnoze, lai piekļūtu zemapziÅai ar mÄrÄ·i atrast problÄmas cÄloni.
Es piedÄvÄju 1:1 RTT sesijas tieÅ”saitÄ latvieÅ”u vai angļu valodÄ. RTT var palÄ«dzÄt tikt galÄ ar dažÄdÄm problÄmÄm un blokiem, piemÄram, neauglÄ«bu, tokofobiju (dziļÄm bailÄm no dzemdÄ«bÄm), liekÄ svara problÄmÄm, trauksmi, smÄÄ·ÄÅ”anu un citÄm. Parasti 1 RTT sesija ilgst 2.5h, kuras laikÄ mÄrÄ·is ir atrast problÄmas cÄloni.
Kad cÄlonis ir atrasts, mÄs varam strÄdÄt pie tÄ, lai mainÄ«tu vai izskaustu uzskatus, priekÅ”status, kas noveduÅ”i pie attiecÄ«gÄs problÄmas vai bloka. Tas ir lÄ«dzÄ«gi kÄ aizvietot vai atjauninÄt datorprogrammu.
PÄc sesijas Tu saÅemsi Ä«paÅ”i Tev rakstÄ«t audio ierakstu, kas bÅ«s jÄklausÄs vismaz 21 dienu.
Piesakies bezmaksas 30 minÅ«Å”u sarunai, lai uzzinÄtu kÄ es varu Tev palÄ«dzÄt.
MeditÄciju audio ieraksti
VispÄrÄ«gas vai tieÅ”i Tev gatavotas meditÄcijas audio formÄtÄ par tÄdÄm tÄmÄm, kÄ: bÄrniÅa ieÅemÅ”ana dabiskÄ ceÄ¼Ä vai ar mÄkslÄ«gÄs apaugļoÅ”anas palÄ«dzÄ«bu, veiksmÄ«ga grÅ«tniecÄ«ba un dzemdÄ«bas.
Å Ä«s meditÄcijas virza klausÄ«tÄju tuvÄk pozitÄ«vÄm pÄrmaiÅÄm, pozitÄ«vam skatÄ«jumam, un miera sajÅ«tai.
Ja vÄlies personÄ«gi Tev rakstÄ«tu meditÄciju, raksti man uzĀ laura@hipnomammas.com Piesakies bezmaksas 30 minÅ«Å”u sarunai, lai uzzinÄtu kÄ es varu Tev palÄ«dzÄt.
Par mani
Kad es biju sava pirmÄ mazuļa gaidÄ«bÄs, man, tÄpat kÄ daudzÄm citÄm sievietÄm, bija bail no dzemdÄ«bÄm, kÄ tas bÅ«s, cik sÄpÄ«gs, briesmÄ«gs, dramatisks, medikalizÄts un cieÅ”anu pilns dzemdÄ«bu process varÄtu izvÄrsties- vairums stÄstu taÄu tÄdi ir. Bet tÄpat mani mierÄ neatstÄja domas par to, ka tas taÄu ir dabisks process. ĶÄpÄc tam jÄbÅ«t dramatiskam?Citi zÄ«dÄ«tÄji dzemdÄ mierÄ«gi dabÄ, klusumÄ un vientulÄ«bÄ bez epidurÄlajÄm anestÄzijÄm vai citiem atsÄpinoÅ”iem medikamentiem.
KÄpÄc gan cilvÄki nevarÄtu dzemdÄt esot savÄ mierpilnajÄ ''burbulÄ«''? IzrÄdÄs, ka var gan!
(PiezÄ«me! SvarÄ«gi atzÄ«mÄt, ka es nepopularizÄju dzemdÄ«bas bez attiecÄ«go speciÄlistu (vecmÄtes un/vai Ärstu klÄtbÅ«tnes).
ParalÄli apguvu RTT un hipnoterapiju, un tas ļÄva izprast, cik liela ietekme ir mÅ«su zemapziÅai, priekŔŔtatiem, domÄm un uztverei, un kÄ to ir iespÄjams mainÄ«t.
GaidÄ«bu laikÄ es sÄku interesÄties par hipnodzemdÄ«bÄm. Es gribÄju, lai man ir pozitÄ«vas atmiÅas par mana bÄrna dzimÅ”anu, tÄpÄc nolÄmu, ka uzÅemÅ”os par to atbildÄ«bu. Es nolÄmu, ka mans dzemdÄ«bu stÄsts bÅ«s pozitÄ«vs un cerams iedvesmos arÄ« citas sievietes. Tad te nu es esmu!

Mani sauc Laura. Esmu mamma 2 bÄrniem, hipnodzemdÄ«bu skolotÄja, apguvusi RTT un hpnoterapiju pie Marisa Peer un Childbirth International dzemdÄ«bu dÅ«la.
Pati esmu piedzÄ«vojusi hipnodzemdÄ«bas '' uz savas Ädas'' dzemdÄjot savus abus bÄrniÅus. Esmu pÄrliecinÄta, ka gatavoÅ”anÄs hipnodzemdÄ«bÄm atstÄja pozitÄ«vu ietekmi gan uz gaidÄ«bu laiku, gan pÄcdzemdÄ«bu periodu,padarot visu ļoti vieglu, harmonisku un mierpilnu. Esmu viena no tÄm hipnodzmedÄ«bu mammÄm, kuras dzemdÄ«bÄs nejuta sÄpes (manus dzemdÄ«bu stÄstus vari lasÄ«t sadaÄ¼Ä Blogs).
Hipnomammas ir radÄ«tas ar mÄrÄ·i iedroÅ”inÄt sievietes gaidÄ«bÄs uzÅemties atbildÄ«bu par savÄm dzemdÄ«bÄm, palÄ«dzÄt piedzÄ«vot pozitÄ«vÄkas un mierpilnÄkas dzemdÄ«bas, mazinÄt vai atbrÄ«voties no bailÄm, trauksmes un negatÄ«viem priekÅ”statiem vai domÄm, kas bieži pÄrÅem sievietes gaidÄ«bu laikÄ. Uzraksti savu pozitÄ«vu dzemdÄ«bu stÄstu!
Uzraksti savu pozitÄ«vo dzemdÄ«bu stÄstu!



Par hipnodzemdību kursu...
VÄlos pateikt lielu paldies par katru sestdienas rÄ«tu, ko pavadÄ«jÄm kopÄ š paldies par dalÄ«Å”anos ar pieredzi, par sniegto informÄciju un detalizÄto paskaidrojumu ar piemÄriem. LabÄkais, manuprÄt, ir saÅemt mentÄlo atbalstu un psiholoÄ£iski bÅ«t gatavai procesam. Iziet cauri neskaidriem momentiem. It Ä«paÅ”i visa sniegtÄ informÄcija ir vÄrtÄ«ga mammÄm, kas dzemdÄs pirmo reizi, jo detalizÄti tiek paskaidrots katrs dzemdÄ«bu posms un pÄc apmÄcÄ«bÄm ar relaksÄtu prÄtu var doties dzemdÄt. Paldies par personÄ«giem meditÄciju ierakstiem, afirmÄcijÄm, ko var lietot visu laiku pirms un dienÄ X. š Tagad nu gaidÄ«Å”u to savu Ä«paÅ”o dienu ar cerÄ«bu, ka visas zinÄÅ”anas man palÄ«dzÄs pÄrdzÄ«vot Å”o monentu ar prieku un mieru š
Google Review:
I have to say a big thank you to Laura for these hypnobirthing courses. š I understood the whole birth process better (although this will be my 3rd birth), but most of all these courses helped me psychologically. I was very worried because the 2nd birth was difficult for me and therefore I was afraid whether I would be able to give birth.
Laura was able to convince me with these courses that I would be able to do it. She showed breathing exercises, gave audio files to listen to during pregnancy and also during childbirth, in order to become even more confident in yourself.
In any case, I am grateful to Laura and I recommend all mothers to take this course. You won’t regret it. āŗļø
Dace Kaula
Link to the Google Review:
Par hipnodzemdību kursu...
Laura’s Hypnobirthing course helped me understand the physiology of birth and prepare myself and my birth partner for a calm arrival of my baby.Laura is very knowledgable and supportive and created a safe and calm environment, where I could ask questions and share my concerns.Ā
During the course I learned different self-help techniques, that helped reduce fear and anxiety and I started trusting my body. I find meditations and breathing exercises very helpful, and I am certain these will help me maintain my focus and serenety during my baby’s birth. Now I feel much more prepared and confident about my abilitiy to experience a natural and gentle birth.
Atsauksme par Ätro TransformÄcijas Terapiju (Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT)): NeauglÄ«ba
Nevarot palikt stÄvoklÄ« jau vairÄk kÄ 2 gadus, bet esot ar labu veselÄ«buun visas analÄ«zes uzradÄ«ja labus rezultÄtus gan man, gan partnerim sÄkÄm meklet netradicionÄlus riantus kÄ palikt stÄvoklÄ«. Draudzene ieteica Lauru. Å aubas pa galvu maisÄ«jÄs 2 mÄneÅ”us, bet sapratu, ka zaudÄt nav ko - jÄsazinÄs!
Jau pirms sesijas sarunÄ Laura tik spilgti mÄcÄja ielikt bildes manÄ galvÄ, ka kļuvu emocionÄla un sapratu, ka Å”is bÅ«s izaicinoÅ”s un emocionÄls pasÄkums, kas lika domÄt, ka bÅ«s arÄ« Ätri rezultÄti.
During the session I had different emotions both pleasant and not so pleasant ones. Whilst going back to my past memories, I sometimes wanted to stop the session but I also understood that it would not resolve the issue(s) I needed to resolve. I silenced my own fear and we continued the session, which lasted a bit more than 3 hours. For the most part of the session I had tears coming down my cheeks (initially it was due to sorrows and unpleasant feelings, later it was due to feeling happy and bright visualisations.)
For the next few days when listening to the recording made by Laura, as I was imagining holding my baby, happy tears were coming down my cheeks again. Every time I listened to the recording the idea of being a mom became more and more plausible and even more ”normal” as before the session I did not even believe that I can be a mother. After the session it seemed so logical that I will become a mother and full stop.
2 dienas pirms MR uztaisu testu, un neticu tam, ko redzu - ir blÄvs plusiÅÅ”, kas, protams, var bÅ«t fake positive, bet 2 gadu laikÄ, nevienu reizi nebija tÄds bijis. Dienu vÄlÄk taisu testu, joprojam blÄvs plusiÅÅ”, vÄl dienu vÄlÄk - tas pats, joprojÄm neticu tam, ko es redzu, uztaisu testu arÄ« pÄcpusdienÄ un atkal blÄvais plusiÅÅ” :)
Resolving the blocks that stopped me from getting pregnant, help me in other aspects of life too.
Laura, no sirds paldies par sesiju!
Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT).
Es griezos pie Lauras tÄpÄc, ka jau kopÅ” agras jaunÄ«bas cieÅ”u no nekontrolÄtas pÄrÄÅ”anÄs epizodÄm (binge eating). Biju par Å”o problÄmu izlasÄ«jusi visu iespÄjamo literatÅ«ru, bet tÄ arÄ« netiku skaidra, kÄpÄc man tÄ ir. Man likÄs, ka, ja es saprastu iemeslu, kÄpÄc man uznÄk Ŕīs nekontrolÄtÄs epizodes, tad tas man palÄ«dzÄtu tÄs kontrolÄt. Es zinÄju, ka atbilde ir kaut kur manÄ atmiÅÄ, bet tÄ bija man nepieejama, citÄdi bÅ«tu to jau sen atradusi. Laura man palidzeja piekļūt manÄm dziļÄkajam atmiÅÄm un beidzot redzÄt lietas, kuras es zinÄju tur ir, bet nevarÄju saredzÄt pati. RezultÄtÄ es ieguvu atbildi uz manu jautÄjumu, un manas pÄrÄÅ”anÄs lÄkmes man kļuva loÄ£iskas un saprotamas. Å is bija pirmais solis pareizajÄ virzienÄ ā nu es varÄju sÄkt strÄdÄt pie problemas, kura mani mocÄ«ja gandrÄ«z visu dzivi. Terapijas laikÄ man patika, ka visu laiku varÄju kontrolÄt tÄs gaitu. Laura mani vadÄ«ja procesam cauri, bet es biju tÄ, kas kontrolÄja paÅ”u procesu. Man bija tÄda sajÅ«ta, ka Laura mani vada cauri istabÄm manÄ mÄjÄ, kuras lÄ«dz Å”im man bijuÅ”as slÄgtas. Es rekomendÄju Lauru un RTT cilvÄkiem, kuri mÄÄ£ina atrast atbildes problÄmÄm, kuras viÅiem nekÄdi neizdodas atrisinÄt paÅ”iem. Mana pieredze bija pozitÄ«va un viegla, kas mani laikam mazliet pÄrsteidza. CilvÄki jÅ«tas nedroÅ”i rakÄties savu atmiÅu dziļumos, bet es varu apgalvot, ka manÄ gadÄ«jumÄ es jutos droÅ”i visas terapijas gaitÄ un pilnÄ«gÄ kontrolÄ. Es atceros Å”o pieredzi ar vieglumu un tÄdu kÄ atvieglojumu. Atskatoties, man vajadzÄja griezties pie Lauras jau agrÄk.
Testimonial. Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT).Ā Ā
I was experiencing occasional panic attacks that rapidly grew into constant anxiety whenever I was awake. It was so bad that I could not leave the house for 2 weeks and even a 5 minute conversation with a close friend or family member became too much for me to handle at the time. I, of course, didn’t want to keep living the life like this. I had quit my job because of this and knew that my savings will end at some point and I have to get better as soon as possible. I have had previous experience with Laura through RTT and I knew that this would be the only helpful thing for me. I find traditional therapy takes too long and is not as effective as RTT. At the time I was taking medicine to be less anxious and even though I had some positive effect from it and could go for a max 30 minute walk by myself, I was not enjoying it, I was in a survival mode. I am the type of person who wants to deal with the root cause of the problem, not just deal with the consequences. Again, I think that RTT is the best ‘treatment’ there is as it works quickly and on deeper levels than other options. In all honesty, I was dreading the process even though I knew it would be helpful. Back then control was very important to me as I felt that was the only thing keeping me somewhat sane. And from the previous experience I knew that RTT is not something that I can plan and foresee how it’s going to go with my conscious mind. When the session started, I went into another panic attack and wanted to stop the process straight away. Thankfully, my wish of getting better was stronger than fear at that moment. I told myself that this is the only thing that can help me and if I can’t get through the process, I will never get better. So I continued with the session and once Laura asked to dive into the core memory of why I am having these anxious feelings, my whole body was shaking uncontrollably, I was crying and could barely speak. The feeling was horrid, it was as if I was back in that traumatic experience that caused all of this. I can’t remember what I was saying or what Laura was asking, as the feeling was so strong at the moment, it is like my mind didn’t register what’s happening in the real time. However, after this first core memory/feeling the rest of the session went on calmly and I didn’t have such strong feelings anymore. After the session I felt as if I was re-born. I didn’t feel anxious anymore, I felt alive, energized and wanted to go out and see the world again. I did just that, for the first time in weeks I met with a friend, in a public space and felt amazing. I had no sign of the anxiety, nothing felt scary anymore, I was even brave enough to ride a scooter for the first time in years. I truly felt like a new human. If I had to score the intensity and frequency of my symptoms before and after the session, it would be 10 vs 2. The following days I kept meeting with friends and catching up on what had happened in the time I was isolated from the world. After a week or so I started having weird feelings again. Not sure if it was me overdoing it or other reason, but I felt anxiety creeping back at me whenever I was about to do something slightly out of the everyday activities. I spoke to Laura about this and she suggested having a follow up session when the 21 day had passed, so we did that. It was much calmer compared to the first session and it didn’t bring out any ”big” emotions/feelings in me. After the second session I haven’t experienced anxiety anymore. I still get more excited/stressed before big events, but it is not on the level of anxiety/panic attack. My close friends and relatives noticed the change too as coming out stronger on the other side and now I know my boundaries and which event/activity will be good for me and which makes me feel uneasy, so better to skip it. In this process I have also spoken to many people who have experienced anxiety in their lives and most of them look at it as ”it is in me, so it comes out in a light form once in a while” and while I agree that I am one of the people who are more prone to have anxious thoughts and feelings, I now think that it will not reach a point as it did earlier this year. I feel like after these two sessions not only the biggest chunk of the root cause has been removed, but it also helped me on a conscious level to understand better how not to go back to that dark place. I have recommended Laura and RTT in the past and whenever someone asks me what has helped me to get through some issues, I say this is the number one thing to try. As other practices are a great addition and of course I still need to work on my mindset every day, but probably without RTT I would still be cut off from society and wouldn’t enjoy my life as much as I am now.Ā
Working with Laura was easy and I felt understood. I also love that she checks up on me not only after the 21 day period, but even after a few months to see if I am still good and the anxiety hasn’t come back. Definitely recommend!
Liva, Malta
Sazinies ar mani!
E-mail: laura@hipnomammas.com
SIA Hipnomammas
Hypnobirthing Courses and RTT Therapy in Riga Latvia
Reg.no: 40203491652
Uzraksti savu pozitÄ«vo dzemdÄ«bu stÄstu!
sWhat will you get from the course…
Knowledge of the physiology of birth
You will learn about the physiology of birth, how the mind and body work together, and how it can impact the birth process. With this knowledge you will understand the importance of relaxation, how it can help you have a calmer, quicker, smoother and more positive birth experience.
Release your fears
All moms look forward to meeting their baby. However, very often that is accompanied with fear, anxiety, stress and negative thoughts about the birth process in general. It may be hard to avoid negative birth stories being told by other women that only feed those negative feelings, perception and mindset about giving birth. It may be that you yourself have a negative birth experienceĀ This course gives you tools to help release fear, anxiety, turn the negative mindset about birth into a positive one so that you can experience positive, calm and empowering birth.
Practice during pregnancy is very important. Hypnobirthing does not work just because you believe it. Equally, it works even if you do not believe it. I cannot stress enough how important practice is. 10-15 minutes of practice a day is all that is asked of you.
Support person’s role
The support of a well-educated and informed birth partner plays an important role in the birthing room. As your birth companion is welcome to join the course, they too will become equipped with the necessary knowledge to be a valuable birth support person, one that will add a positive difference.
Understanding your choices
During pregnancy and labour women may face different options, starting from the place where to give birth all the way up to medical interventions. Every choice and decision you make can start a cascade of events that will impact your birth experience and possibly have a long term effect on you and your baby. You will learn about your options so that you can make the right choice for you and your baby.